Friday, May 17, 2013

Understanding your Triggers - Psychology of Stress Pt 2

Is it possible to live without stress? No! Thinking about tension in terms of "defeating" it is beating the creature with the wrong stick. Stress is oftentimes handled as an unwelcome guest.

Let us set the record straight. Tension is an inseparable part of life. Stress is what drives you. Stress gives you that push and motivation when, say, you're gearing up for a crucial exam, or working on a vital project, or going to give a substantial presentation, or preparing to appear for an employment interview.

Stress, by and of itself, isn’t awful. It turns good or bad depending on how you perceive it and how adequate you think you are to handle it. Confronting stress is a skill and an art. If you would like to live a happy and productive life, you have to learn how to cope with it.

Stress is energy: if you do not process it the right way, it will devour you. Coping with stress is a science. Anyone who prefers to live a happy and rich life has to learn it. It's worth committing some time and effort to controlling something that has so many extensive consequences for the tone of our lives.

How come stress occurs?

Tension is an inevitable part of life. Your tension might develop out of any of the following three emotions-

Frustration - it's a state of dissatisfaction coming up out of unrealized needs or unsolved trials and tribulations. It's characterized by feelings of tension or anxiety. For example, you might be frustrated due to the very much deserved promotion that you didn't get, a disagreement with your employer, mounting debt, or something as simple as getting to the office past your start time. Aside from outside conditions, frustrations might be due to a few personality traits, like
unrealistic expectations, unwillingness to change, maybe it’s or lack of achievements.

Conflicts - This is a circumstance when you are caught between suitable however incompatible wants. For example, you want advancement in the work place, however are not willing to relocate to a fresh and new city; you desire a penthouse however must get rid of other luxuries that you are capable of savoring right now.

Pressure- This is the requirement that the business of living gets to you and its definitely inevitable. Your job requires more time, youngsters need some more cash, and your wife needs more attention. Sound familiar doesn’t it?

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