Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Mastering your thoughts

Mastering the mind and reclaiming your power is the most vital step essential to any level of success. Comprehending how the mind works allows you to get at your natural brilliance and to center on the greatest possibilities for your life.

By controlling your thoughts, you control your total reality. You have the power to select what you think about, how you feel emotionally, and what mental images you'll hold in your attention.

I trust we're the co-creators of the cosmos. I do trust in what many individuals call god, divinity, or creation, but I decline the idea that mankind are slaves and/or fodder for a furious and judging deity in the world.
Although our ego minds are not the most eminent form of awareness, I trust a part of our minds are entangled with the divine mind. Therefore the power of thought is like the force that produces the world around us.

Mastering the mind and reclaiming your power is the most vital step essential to any level of success. Comprehending how the mind works allows you to get at your natural brilliance and to center on the greatest possibilities for your life. Individuals have lived through prison camps by mastering what they thought and felt about. Mankind has defied great physical pain and dreadful conditions with ...centered purpose.
On a less spectacular scale, you have likely used the might of directed thought in your own life to cope with a miserably tedious job. A lot of us have, at some time, worked a job we despised; and we commonly coped with the workday by letting our minds be elsewhere.
This simple illustration can be applied to explore the true power of thought, and particularly the might of positive thinking. Your power to produce your own truth and to use the law of attraction to evidence the life you wish starts with the simple direction of your day-to-day thoughts and feelings. It does not really matter how creative manifestation works. It does not truly matter if we're affecting the whole of creation or just the dimension we occupy and refer to as “reality”.
What matters is that through prolonged, deliberate thought and visualization a person can produce nearly any result he or she wants. Surely relatively small matters like attaining wealth, healing the self, and drawing in the ideal mate are well within our potentialities. There's value in humility. But I trust we're at a point in human evolution where it's essential to recognize our greatness.
You're the master of your reality and of your circumstances. You are what you think of, and your life will abide by the course that you hold in your mind’s eye. Every thought of a human is metamorphosed as picture in everybody's mind. The picture transformed in your mind will depend upon your thought. If your idea is about success, the picture translated in your mind, will be as if you're acquiring success.
If your thought is being an unsuccessful person, then the picture translated in your mind will be as if you're bringing forth failure.
It consequently seems sensible that you should take care to formulate positive thinking as a habit. How many distinguished books have been written to the theme of change your mind to change your life?
The brain is the topnotch computer of the human machine. And the mind is the elusive beholder that ascertains the outcome of quantum physics experiments. Never think that, when you set about something that it will terminate in failure. If you believe so, then that idea or doubt will be translated as a 'failure' picture in your mind and your subconscious will direct your activity according to that 'failure picture', which of course will end in failure.
On the other hand, if you suppose on the other side, the matter will finish in success, your thought will be translated into the picture of success, and automatically your subconscious will bring the end result of success. It's the secret of nature. Because you are able to bring about only what you plant.
Planting rice paddies grants only a rice paddy and not wheat. Imbedding success in your mind only brings about success and nnot failure.
Thoughts, images, and action all have a close fundamental interaction with one another. They can't disagree. For instance, if you want to get your own house, think profoundly about your dream house as if you've bought a beautiful house. By nature your dream house will be translated into a image in your mind. Your subconscious will direct you to change that dream house into an actual house. It will produce conditions and opportunities for you to change that dream house into a real house out of your own resourcefulness.
One single idea leads to many ideas. If you prefer to be rich you should constantly consider having vast money. That one idea leads to many ideas like a huge bank balance, having beautiful house, assortment of autos, modern amenities, vacation spot, beautiful swimming pool and whatever you like. Positive single thoughts bring about power to create so many other positive thoughts.
Likewise one single negative idea will also produce so many negative ideas. So negative thoughts also have equivalent power .You can't undervalue the power of negative thoughts.

Forever think good, think positively. Never let your mind believe negatively and practice thinking positively, then the right things will happen.

Until Next time!

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