Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Series on Stress - Begins May 16th 2013

The next series of posts will be on Stress.  A few articles that provide merely the basics as everyone deals with, or copes ( I am not fond of that particular word) however everyone does work through things differently.  I do strongly encourage that at times it may not seem like it helps but sometimes talking with someone can.  Someone outside of the immediate issue for they can see it from another perspective.  Do not shut the doors to that.  I know you may be thinking and scoff, wondering "what makes you the expert"  I am not an expert but  I do understand stress, I understand the different levels having been on a stress roller-coaster.  I myself have taken the front seat of the roller coaster instead of the back where you get whipped about thrashed and tossed around.  Where I am now. sitting at the front not always gripping the rails for dear life, I watch for what is coming ahead, I can't always control it but I have worked through better understanding how I can contend with the things that may come  around the bend.  If you ever wonder I will not hesitate to share my story and I will, for it is not just mine.  Thinking here how you wonder how sometimes books or movies are written?  How they seem far fetched?  To crazy to believe?  Trust me, those stories belong to someone and have happened to someone.

Now as far as this series, I hope that the information helps you or perhaps can be passed to someone that it may resonate with.  Again I am always available to share, to listen to offer my thoughts.  I'm just an email away.

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